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Register & Attend Our 2023 Spring Clinical Symposium – May 18-19, 2023

Continuing Education Virtual Event Covers Polypharmacy, Wound Care, Pain Management and Other Important Topics Join our Guardian Pharmacy teams for the 2023 Spring Clinical Symposium, a two-day continuing education virtual event on May 18-19. Held in partnership with the Association for Medication Education, this year’s symposium allows nurses, administrators, pharmacists, and pharmacy technicians to earn

Natural Disaster white paper

How Long-Term Care Communities Can Preserve Medication Access for Residents During a Natural Disaster Evacuation

A record 22 natural disasters struck the United States last year and long-term care (LTC) communities cannot treat this threat lightly. With natural disasters occurring year-round, it’s important that owners and operators of assisted living and skilled nursing facilities develop plans now so that you are prepared if an incident arises. Your LTC pharmacy should