President and Owner of Guardian Pharmacy NWFL, Bobby Dunn, RPh, recently taught a Disaster Preparedness course in Mobile, Alabama.

NWFL Bobby Dunn at Somerby of Mobile
This event was held at Somerby Independent Living of Mobile and one (1) continuing education unit was given to nurses attending this event. Wendy Callaher, RN from Guardian Pharmacy of Birmingham, assisted with this training.
In our territory of service, the Gulfcoast of Florida and Alabama, it’s often that many of our communities and customers must implement disaster plans required by licensing agencies. Having recently experiencing Hurricane Irma, a very unpredictable Category 5 hurricane that traveled up the west coast of Florida and into lower Alabama, this topic was fresh on everyone’s mind.
Creating an understanding of disasters or emergencies and the issues they could generate in the long-term care community was the goal of this course. The attendees would need to be able to apply the understanding gained in this course to create a plan of action that best fit their specific communities.
One important instruction given in the course was for each community to create a Disaster Response Management Team within their community, and giving each department head within that community an implementation task. As part of the ever changing world of long-term care, each department is instructed to meet once a quarter to update anyone new to the community or if any information has changed. The importance is to not wait until an emergency or a disaster to discover that you’re unprepared.
Once the community has experienced a disaster or emergency in which they had to utilize the plan outlined, they’re asked to meet with their respective management teams and discuss how the disaster preparedness plan worked – What was done, what worked and what could be improved upon.
We appreciate Somerby of Mobile, Matt Milstead, Elizabeth Skipper and their staff for being such gracious hosts and allowing us to hold this event. We look forward to many more educational event opportunities in the future.
If you or someone in your community would like to schedule an educational event in your area, please contact Brooke Cooper, RN, our clinical care specialist/nurse account manager at (850) 602-8899 for more information.